70 research outputs found

    Lifted rule injection for relation embeddings

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    Methods based on representation learning currently hold the state-of-the-art in many natural language processing and knowledge base inference tasks. Yet, a major challenge is how to efficiently incorporate commonsense knowledge into such models. A recent approach regularizes relation and entity representations by propositionalization of first-order logic rules. However, propositionalization does not scale beyond domains with only few entities and rules. In this paper we present a highly efficient method for incorporating implication rules into distributed representations for automated knowledge base construction. We map entity-tuple embeddings into an approximately Boolean space and encourage a partial ordering over relation embeddings based on implication rules mined from WordNet. Surprisingly, we find that the strong restriction of the entity-tuple embedding space does not hurt the expressiveness of the model and even acts as a regularizer that improves generalization. By incorporating few commonsense rules, we achieve an increase of 2 percentage points mean average precision over a matrix factorization baseline, while observing a negligible increase in runtime

    RTFM: Generalising to New Environment Dynamics via Reading

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    Obtaining policies that can generalise to new environments in reinforcement learning is challenging. In this work, we demonstrate that language understanding via a reading policy learner is a promising vehicle for generalisation to new environments. We propose a grounded policy learning problem, Read to Fight Monsters (RTFM), in which the agent must jointly reason over a language goal, relevant dynamics described in a document, and environment observations. We procedurally generate environment dynamics and corresponding language descriptions of the dynamics, such that agents must read to understand new environment dynamics instead of memorising any particular information. In addition, we propose txt2Ď€, a model that captures three-way interactions between the goal, document, and observations. On RTFM, txt2Ď€ generalises to new environments with dynamics not seen during training via reading. Furthermore, our model outperforms baselines such as FiLM and language-conditioned CNNs on RTFM. Through curriculum learning, txt2Ď€ produces policies that excel on complex RTFM tasks requiring several reasoning and coreference steps

    Prioritized Level Replay

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    Environments with procedurally generated content serve as important benchmarks for testing systematic generalization in deep reinforcement learning. In this setting, each level is an algorithmically created environment instance with a unique configuration of its factors of variation. Training on a prespecified subset of levels allows for testing generalization to unseen levels. What can be learned from a level depends on the current policy, yet prior work defaults to uniform sampling of training levels independently of the policy. We introduce Prioritized Level Replay (PLR), a general framework for selectively sampling the next training level by prioritizing those with higher estimated learning potential when revisited in the future. We show TD-errors effectively estimate a level’s future learning potential and, when used to guide the sampling procedure, induce an emergent curriculum of increasingly difficult levels. By adapting the sampling of training levels, PLR significantly improves sample-efficiency and generalization on Procgen Benchmark—matching the previous state-of-the-art in test return—and readily combines with other methods. Combined with the previous leading method, PLR raises the state-of-the-art to over 76% improvement in test return relative to standard RL baselines

    General intelligence requires rethinking exploration

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    We are at the cusp of a transition from 'learning from data' to 'learning what data to learn from' as a central focus of artificial intelligence (AI) research. While the first-order learning problem is not completely solved, large models under unified architectures, such as transformers, have shifted the learning bottleneck from how to effectively train models to how to effectively acquire and use task-relevant data. This problem, which we frame as exploration, is a universal aspect of learning in open-ended domains like the real world. Although the study of exploration in AI is largely limited to the field of reinforcement learning, we argue that exploration is essential to all learning systems, including supervised learning. We propose the problem of generalized exploration to conceptually unify exploration-driven learning between supervised learning and reinforcement learning, allowing us to highlight key similarities across learning settings and open research challenges. Importantly, generalized exploration is a necessary objective for maintaining open-ended learning processes, which in continually learning to discover and solve new problems, provides a promising path to more general intelligence

    Grid-to-Graph: Flexible Spatial Relational Inductive Biases for Reinforcement Learning.

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    Although reinforcement learning has been successfully applied in many domains in recent years, we still lack agents that can systematically generalize. While relational inductive biases that fit a task can improve generalization of RL agents, these biases are commonly hard-coded directly in the agent's neural architecture. In this work, we show that we can incorporate relational inductive biases, encoded in the form of relational graphs, into agents. Based on this insight, we propose Grid-to-Graph (GTG), a mapping from grid structures to relational graphs that carry useful spatial relational inductive biases when processed through a Relational Graph Convolution Network (R-GCN). We show that, with GTG, R-GCNs generalize better both in terms of in-distribution and out-of-distribution compared to baselines based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Neural Logic Machines on challenging procedurally generated environments and MinAtar. Furthermore, we show that GTG produces agents that can jointly reason over observations and environment dynamics encoded in knowledge bases

    GriddlyJS: A Web IDE for Reinforcement Learning

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    Progress in reinforcement learning (RL) research is often driven by the design of new, challenging environments-a costly undertaking requiring skills orthogonal to that of a typical machine learning researcher. The complexity of environment development has only increased with the rise of procedural-content generation (PCG) as the prevailing paradigm for producing varied environments capable of testing the robustness and generalization of RL agents. Moreover, existing environments often require complex build processes, making reproducing results difficult. To address these issues, we introduce GriddlyJS, a web-based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) based on the Griddly engine. GriddlyJS allows researchers to visually design and debug arbitrary, complex PCG grid-world environments using a convenient graphical interface, as well as visualize, evaluate, and record the performance of trained agent models. By connecting the RL workflow to the advanced functionality enabled by modern web standards, GriddlyJS allows publishing interactive agent-environment demos that reproduce experimental results directly to the web. To demonstrate the versatility of GriddlyJS, we use it to quickly develop a complex compositional puzzle-solving environment alongside arbitrary human-designed environment configurations and their solutions for use in automatic curriculum learning and offline RL. The GriddlyJS IDE is open source and freely available at https://griddly.ai

    Exploration via Elliptical Episodic Bonuses

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    In recent years, a number of reinforcement learning (RL) methods have been proposed to explore complex environments which differ across episodes. In this work, we show that the effectiveness of these methods critically relies on a count-based episodic term in their exploration bonus. As a result, despite their success in relatively simple, noise-free settings, these methods fall short in more realistic scenarios where the state space is vast and prone to noise. To address this limitation, we introduce Exploration via Elliptical Episodic Bonuses (E3B), a new method which extends count-based episodic bonuses to continuous state spaces and encourages an agent to explore states that are diverse under a learned embedding within each episode. The embedding is learned using an inverse dynamics model in order to capture controllable aspects of the environment. Our method sets a new state-of-the-art across 16 challenging tasks from the MiniHack suite, without requiring task-specific inductive biases. E3B also matches existing methods on sparse reward, pixel-based Vizdoom environments, and outperforms existing methods in reward-free exploration on Habitat, demonstrating that it can scale to high-dimensional pixel-based observations and realistic environments

    Grid-to-Graph: Flexible Spatial Relational Inductive Biases for Reinforcement Learning.

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    Although reinforcement learning has been successfully applied in many domains in recent years, we still lack agents that can systematically generalize. While relational inductive biases that fit a task can improve generalization of RL agents, these biases are commonly hard-coded directly in the agent's neural architecture. In this work, we show that we can incorporate relational inductive biases, encoded in the form of relational graphs, into agents. Based on this insight, we propose Grid-to-Graph (GTG), a mapping from grid structures to relational graphs that carry useful spatial relational inductive biases when processed through a Relational Graph Convolution Network (R-GCN). We show that, with GTG, R-GCNs generalize better both in terms of in-distribution and out-of-distribution compared to baselines based on Convolutional Neural Networks and Neural Logic Machines on challenging procedurally generated environments and MinAtar. Furthermore, we show that GTG produces agents that can jointly reason over observations and environment dynamics encoded in knowledge bases

    Hierarchical Kickstarting for Skill Transfer in Reinforcement Learning

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    Practising and honing skills forms a fundamental component of how humans learn, yet artificial agents are rarely specifically trained to perform them. Instead, they are usually trained end-to-end, with the hope being that useful skills will be implicitly learned in order to maximise discounted return of some extrinsic reward function. In this paper, we investigate how skills can be incorporated into the training of reinforcement learning (RL) agents in complex environments with large state-action spaces and sparse rewards. To this end, we created SkillHack, a benchmark of tasks and associated skills based on the game of NetHack. We evaluate a number of baselines on this benchmark, as well as our own novel skill-based method Hierarchical Kickstarting (HKS), which is shown to outperform all other evaluated methods. Our experiments show that learning with a prior knowledge of useful skills can significantly improve the performance of agents on complex problems. We ultimately argue that utilising predefined skills provides a useful inductive bias for RL problems, especially those with large state-action spaces and sparse rewards
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